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He's developing a tool to ensure digital transactions are secure
Even though Mr Chu has only been working at IMDA for a few months, he has already been involved in pioneering projects to secure privacy and trust in digital systems. PHOTO: SPH MEDIA

This Smart Nation scholar uses his research and coding skills to create new software, including a solution to ensure accountability in AI

In the fast-evolving world of AI today, as more companies in Singapore use AI in their products and services, fostering the public’s trust in AI technologies becomes a priority. There is a need to develop the sciences and grow AI governance testing and evaluation through an open-source framework.

This is why the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) launched AI Verify, the world’s first AI testing framework and software toolkit to promote transparency. It allows AI system owners to verify the claimed performance of their AI systems against a set of internationally-recognised AI ethics principles through standardised tests.

Smart Nation scholar Chu Wei Hao was part of the team who helped develop the free open-source software toolkit.

“When developers claim their AI systems are robust, transparent and fair, they can tap on AI Verify to prove it,” explained the 27-year-old research engineer at IMDA.

More on this topic: Building an inclusive and secure digital future

Even though he has only been working at IMDA since March 2023, Mr Chu has already been involved in several pioneering projects and research on cutting-edge technologies.

He is currently with its BizTech Group’s Trust Tech Engineering team, tasked with developing technologies to help guarantee privacy, secure trust and provide confidence to people and firms to transact digitally.

He has also been studying opportunities in blockchain – public digital ledgers that record transactions across multiple computers so they cannot be altered.

Mr Chu joined IMDA as a Smart Nation scholar after graduating from the Singapore Management University-Carnegie Mellon University Masters Fast-Track Programme with a degree in Information Systems Management.

“When developers claim their AI systems are robust, transparent and fair, they can tap on AI Verify to prove it.”

Mr Chu Wei Hao, recipient of the Smart Nation Scholarship

The scholarship, jointly offered by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, the Government Technology Agency and IMDA, gives talents a chance to carve out a career in technology and contribute to the public good. 

Recipients go on to specialise in cybersecurity, application design, development and deployment, sensors and the Internet of Things, data science and artificial intelligence, geospatial data, information technology infrastructure, or technology policy and governance. 

Under the agency’s effort to broaden staff’s exposure, besides his involvement in the research on emerging technologies, he also reaches out to small and medium-sized enterprises to assist them in their digitalisation journey, as part of the Digital Industry Singapore office.

Just four months into his IMDA career, he is proud to be one of the Smart Nation scholars.

“It has provided me with ample training opportunities and exposure to tech events, enabling me to keep learning and growing even after graduating,” he says.

This article is brought to you by Smart Nation.

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